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Aaliyah Nabbale

11 Apr 2022

At Taibah Junior School we have our own swimming pool.

At Taibah Junior School we have our own swimming pool. Our swimming coach is called Amos. He is very nice to us. This term he has taught me how to float on water and other swimming tricks and styles. I like swimming because it is fun and helps me keep fit. My class swims on Wednesday and I always can’t wait for it to reach and I go to the pool. It has now become my best day of the week. After learning something new in a lesson, coach Amos lets us play games in the swimming pool which is also fun. I have learnt so many pool games from my friends in class like playing volleyball in water, tug of war in water and going after objects like balls in the water.

This makes me love Taibah Junior School even more. It is the best!


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