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This term our school theme was “Protect the Environment, Save Mother Earth” and our class theme presentation in week four was “Saving Mother Earth,” It was about the pollution caused by humans. What we did was, we tied leaves on our hands and fingers to act like plants growing normally. Then a group came in to act like they polluted mother earth by littering with plastic and polythene and mother earth died. After that another group came to clean and save mother earth. We then presented a poem about save mother earth. At the end we danced with energy and ended the presentation. But this term wasn’t all about saving mother earth but also maintaining a clean and plastic free world so I encourage you to sensitize more people on saving and maintaining a pollution and plastic-free world. So, join Taibah and make the world a better place to be and live.

Here is our poem: 

Stand aside, you polythene manufacturers

Stand aside, you polythene distributors

Stand aside, you polythene consumers

Your product takes up to 1500 years or more to decompose in the soil.

Stand aside, you corrupt officials

You receive bribes instead of saving mother earth

Stand aside, you business community

Your business is a disgrace to mother earth

Stand aside, you dishonest preachers

Your churches stand on wetlands

Stand aside, you educationists

Your education does not add life to mother earth

Stand aside, you soldiers of war

You pretend to defend life yet you leave mother earth dying.

We are tired of you who destroy forests

We are tired of you who reclaim swamps

We are tired of you who mine minerals

We are tired of your short-sighted gains

Your actions chock, suffocate and kill mother earth.

What shall we do when all plants die?

What shall we do when all animals die?

What shall we do when all water bodies dry?

The question goes to all of us

What shall we do?

Stand firm Taibah schools

Stand firm Taibah staff

Stand firm Taibah children

Stand firm P.7 Pigeon

Your fight to save mother earth is a fight worth winning!

Megan Kirabo Orieanna, P7 Pigeon, 2024

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