It's always easy to sit and think of a simple business where you can earn money day by day. This year, our class thought of a simple business that we can maintain and we thought of making scented candles. We gave our business a company name. We thought of different marketing skills that can bring customers and how to make profits. We learnt the skill of making different scented candles.
The materials used to make scented candles are a thermometer, weighing scale, source of heat, water, jar, pitcher, wick, and different wax. Not forgetting scents like strawberry, lemon, lavender, Jasmine, brute and so many others that make the candles smell well. Candles are so easy to make in that you can sit at home or anywhere and make them for your customers.
I thank my teachers for teaching us different skills which will help us in future.
From Davina Neema
P.1 Falcon