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Cookery Club


11 Apr 2022

If I talk about clubs, clubs are different kinds of activities done by children for example cookery, ballet, Football and all other kinds of activities.

If I talk about clubs, clubs are different kinds of activities done by children for example cookery, ballet, Football and all other kinds of activities.

Today I’m going to talk about cookery club one of the best clubs in Taibah junior school because it has taught me a number of things concerning, it is headed by teacher Saudah who carries out supervision in the club.

Cookery teaches a lot of children in our school how to cook for example donuts, chapatti and cakes, chips among others. Cookery teaches people how to cook in case they want to be chefs when they grow, hence building a better bright future.

Therefore, I am proud to be a member of cookery club in Taibah junior school.

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