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Nisha Malaika
P.6 Francolin

11 Apr 2022

Culture is the way of life of people in a given society.

Culture is the way of life of people in a given society.

In Uganda we have different cultures including;

Baganda, Banyankole, Basoga etc

In my school that’s Taibah Junior school, we respect all cultures, and a day is given out to celebrate Cultural day where we dress up in our cultural clothes.

Being a Muganda, I will take Buganda culture as a case study.

The staple food for the Buganda is Matooke.

In Buganda the women dress up in gomesi and the men in kanzu.

Kneeling for elders is a very important aspect as a sign of respect.

In Buganda some of the ceremonies which are celebrated include; Introduction, last funeral rites, naming of children, initiation of twins etc.

In conclusion, culture is a wide topic and it cuts across nations.

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