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My Club is Awesome

Ethan Hadriel Mayoga
P.2 Turkey.

11 Apr 2022

n Taibah Junior school, we have so many clubs but I don’t regret to be in a cookery club.

In Taibah Junior school, we have so many clubs but I don’t regret to be in a cookery club. My school provides us with all the materials we need to prepare when it’s time for clubs.

I am in a cooking club and in it you get to bake things and try them. We bake cakes and pizzas and I love cooking so much, it is something good for me and I want to become a chef when I grow up, I will get a lot of money and it will be part of my life. I will love it and I will be full of Joy and I will love to that job so much. It will be a good job because people like to eat and I like to eat vegetables.

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